Wednesday, 23 April 2014

GB JOBS: Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resource

The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, government of Nigeria has secured credit from the international Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for the implementation of Value Chain Development Programme (VCDP). The VCDP will focus on addressing constraints along the cassava and rice value chains in targeted LGAs in Ebonyi State. The Progamme comprises of three complementary and mutually reinforcing components via Agricultural Market Development, Small holder Productivity Enhancement, and Programme Coordination and Management.

The specific development objective of the Programme is that the incomes and food security of poor rural households engaged in production, processing and marketing of rice and cassava in the targeted LGAs are enhanced on a sustainable basis in the participating states.

As part of the preparatory activities towards the commencement of programme in the State, the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources is constituting the State Programme Management Unit (SPMU) at the State Programme Headquarters.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources is recruiting for the position of:

Job Title: State Programme Management Unit/State Programme Coordinator (SPC)
Main Responsibilities

·                     The State,Programme Coordinator (SPC) is responsible for the coordinator (SPC) is responsible for the coordination of Project activities in the state, as well as managing the SPMU Office.
·                     Head the Secretariat of the State Steering Committee (SSC) to Oversee the Implementation of the Programme within the Sta
·                     Facilitate regular meetings of Farmer Organizations in the area of production, processing and marketing.
·                     Coordinate regular monitoring visits and technical support by SPMU experts to Farmer Organizations.
·                     Ensure regular meetings of the Local Government Value Chain Advisory Committee (LGVCAC).
·                     Ensure timely reporting and quality of reports to SSC and PMU.
·                     Supervise the Staff of SPMU Office.
·                     Liaise with other relevant programmes, technical departments and the participating Local Government councils to ensure synergy for effective implementation of field activities.
·                     Oversee contracting of support staff consultants, and service providers.
·                     Prepare the state annual work plan and budget based on the consolidated commodity cluster action plan and submit to PMU and IFAD for approval.
Qualification and Experience

·                     M.Sc degree or equivalent in Agriculture,  Agricultural Economics, or other related disciplines.
·                     Minimum of 8 years post-qualification experience including at least 3 years in a management position,
·                     Proven track record in the field of agriculture or rural development.
·                     Good writing skills and computer literacy will be an advantage.
·                     Fluency in local language is a major advantage.
 Job Title: Procurement Officer
Location: Ebonyi
Job Description

·                     Undertaking procurement activity per the draft procurement plan which provides the estimate costs and the basis for the procurement methods for each procurement item under the programme.
·                     Preparing technical specifications for procurement of goods, works and services.
·                     Preparing bidding documents
·                     Preparing tender notice, and invitation for bids.
·                     Receiving, opening and evaluation of bids, and finalizing contracts.
·                     Administrating contracts to ensure compliance with the contracts conditions, payment terms, variations, dispute resolutions and monitoring etc.
·                     Maintaining all the records relating to procurement.
·                     Maintaining a separate record relating to complaints and their redress.
·                     Periodically updating the procurement plan in agreement with the programme team to reflect the actual programme implementation needs improvements institutional capacity.
·                     Ensuring implementation of agreed procurement arrangements.
·                     Preparing procurement implementations reports in accordance with the reporting requirement of IFAD and the Government.
·                     Ensuring that the procurement capacity of state beneficiaries and service providers is development.
Qualification and Experiences

·                     B.Sc masters or Higher Level University Degree in Engineering,
·                     Finance, Management Purchasing or equivalents qualification.
·                     Minimum of 6 years of relevant post qualification experience.
·                     Strong background and experience in successfully carrying out procurement using similar procedures, methods, specifications etc.
·                     Knowledge (at least 4 years) of internationally accepted ‘best practice systems, the Nigerian Procurement Laws and guidelines and experience in working with donor funded projects.
·                     Good writing skills and good computer skills required.
·                     Ability of team spirit, good interpersonal and conflict management skills.
·                     Integrity and confidentiality. Interpersonal and time management skills.
 Job Title: State Business and Market Development Officer (BMDO)
Location: Ebonyi
Specific Duties

·                     Coordinate the implementation and monitoring of state and local government-level VCDP activities and actions in the organization of public-private dialogue forums for enabling business environment.
·                     Coordinate the implementation and monitoring of state and local government-level VCDP activities and process for strengthening mechanisms for public-private dialogue on enabling business environment.
·                     Coordinate the implementation of state and local government-level VCDP activities and actions in supporting the establishment and enforcement of quality norms grades and standards for processed products.
·                     Broker inter-agency collaboration between relevant state ‘and local government agencies for the establishment and enforcement of regulations on agricultural commodity quality norms, grades and standards.
·                     Implement actions and processes for the brokerage and facilitation of market exchanges and/or contractual agreements between VC operators (farmers and agro-processors and traders).
·                     Work with VC operators to organize commodity fairs and other interactive events for VC operators and the state governments.
·                     Implement actions and processes for the brokerage and facilitation of links between VC operators-(agro -processor and trader organizations) and financial institutions for the purpose of increasing access to financial services including credit insurance and saving/deposit facilities,
·                     Assist service providers in preparing and disseminating appropriate
·                     strategies and approaches for saving mobilization, opening of hank accounts, membership in financial institutions and applications tin loans based on local socio-cultural value systems.
·                     Assess different financial service providers prepared to extend their services to programme target groups.
·                     Negotiate terms and conditions with service providers and conclude, where opportunity and appropriate, memoranda of understanding (MoIJs) with the financial institutions, through which programme target groups will he able to access financial institutions.
·                     Monitor, evaluate and document the results of the linkage programmes. Supervise technical assistants in financial linkage.
·                     Deal and interact with state and local government agencies in consultative and collaborative activities,
·                     Work with VC chain operators including producers, processors-and traders to identity needs and actionable items for capacity building in market development.
·                     Supervise the work of service providers in the areas of business and market development and providing information about their performance.
·                     Source and use information from various sources for the implementation and coordination of activities and measures for the promotion of market linkages and market information among VC operators.
·                     Broker and arrange linkages and contractual transactions/agreement between C operators including producers. processors and market participants.
·                     Participate in the formulation and implementation of the VCAP and supervision of activities under the business and market development segment of the VCAP.
Qualification and Experience:

·                     A minimum of Bachelor’s degree of Higher National Diploma in any of the Management or Social Sciences including Agricultural Economics.
·                     At least 3 years work experience on matters or projects relating to agricultural marketing, agro-processing and agro -industrial development and MSME promotion.
·                     Strong background in business and market blended with practical skills.
·                     Good negotiation, inter-personal and communication skills.
Job Title: State Value Chain Infrastructure Officer (SVCIO)
Location: Ebonyi
Specific Duties

·                     Ensure that the preparatory activities and implementation of the infrastructure interventions are progressing according to the works schedule,
·                     Develop a detailed action plan to implement the various activities proposed under the sub-component for the State and the LGAs in close consultation with the key stakeholders.
·                     Select contractors and consultants as per the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) and oversee the work of these service providers.
·                     Identify the target communities using the eligibility criteria developed for the sub-component. Relevant agencies such as the State Ministry of Works. Ministry of Commence anti Industry, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, River basin Development Authorities (RBDAs) where applicable, Water Board, and the LOAs should he consulted in this process.
·                     Ensure that contracted consultants prepare the LGA level Value Chain Action Plan (VCAP).
·                     The VCAP will identify critical constraints/challenges, opportunities available and recommend appropriate Value Chain (VC) linked interventions. The above mentioned key stakeholders the VC operators and the community should be part of this process.
·                     Supervise the construction/rehabilitation of feeder roads. the construction of agro-processing and market infrastructure (incl. water supply systems and related ancillary works) This includes the construction of stores, flood, protection dykes and rehabilitation of irrigation schemes under sub-component 2.2. implemented by contractors.
·                     The SVCIO will he assisted by the LGA Engineers during supervision.
·                     Ensure the timely procurement of agro-processing equipment and machineries.
·                     Quality standards indicated in the programme Design Report (PDR) should he maintained and the handover of the procured items to the target VC operators is as per the PIM and applicable matching grant modality
·                     Oversee that training and capacity building activities related to the infrastructure aspects are implemented.
·                     Establish asset/infrastructure management and maintenances procedures. This include ensuring that proper O&M is carried out by the LGAs, the VC operators and the communities using the developed procedures as supported by the LGAs engineers.
·                     Supervise/co-supervise the LGA Engineers and the support staffs working with them.
·                     provide technical guidence to partcipating insitutions on the approach of carrying out their functions related to the infrastructural aspects of the VCDP
·                     Ensure that the consultants give necessary technical support to the participate organizations by working closely with them and contribute to the Programme.
·                     Establish modalities for coordination and proper working relationship with participating institutions.
·                     Prepare measurement of works and certificate of payment for all infrastructure activities as supported by the LGA Engineers.
·                     Ensure that proper management timely utilization and reporting of the budget far the sub-component is undertaken by the State. Liaise with the concerned budget holders withinathe State Programme Management Unit (SPMU) when it comes to the support activities provided to other subcomponent
·                     Assist the SPM in ensuring that the Programme focus on the poorest of the poor especially women, is pursued.
·                     Undertake other related activities as directed by the SMP
Qualification and Experience

·                     A minimum of BSc University Degree in Civil Engineering.
·                     At least five years of practical experience in agricultural author rural development projects
·                     A Civil Engineer with strong background of practical experience in agricultural related civil works and agro-processing technologies contributing to rural development
Job Title: Rural Institutions and Gender/Youth Mainstreaming Officer
Location: Ebonyi
Specific duties

·                     Responsible for the coordination and supervision of the Component of the project, Support to small holder production at state level,
·                     Work in close collaboration with the Rural Institutions and Gender Mainstreaming officer at state level in periodic meetings held at SPMU and during joint and in periodic field visits.
·                     Provide guidance to NGOs/Service providers hired to implement the activities and oversee the overall process of selection of target FOs and beneficiaries in close -collaboration with the Rural Institutions and Gender Mainstreaming officer.
·                     Liaise with other relevant programmes and technical departments in the Public sector at state level ouch as ADP, the National Agricultural-Sued
·                     Council the National Root and Tuber Coop Research Institute, the National Cereals Research Institute
·                     Contribute to the Design of the overall distribution scheme of certified seeds/improved cassava cuttings, fertilizers and herbicides and equipment at state and LGA level.
·                     Supervise and coordinate the distribution of certified seeds/improved cassava cuttings, fertilizers and herbicides and equipment at state and LGA level including the delivery of good at LGA level.
·                     Supervise the service provider in charge of as implementing the activity.
·                     promotion and dissemination of sustainable agricultural practices through the FFS approach .
·                     Contribute to the drafting of periodic project progress reports at state level and.
·                     Contribute to the state annual work plan and budget.
·                     Liaise with any other stakeholder such as the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development.
·                     paticipate in the distribution of seeds/improved cassava cuttings, fertilizers and hacicides and euipment at state and LGA level including the delivery of goods at LGA level in close collabration with Agriculutural Production/FFS Officer.

·                     Masters or Higher level Sensitivity Degree in Sociology, Economics and other relevant discipline.
·                     Minimum of 5 years post-qualification experience including at least 2 years in implementation of product integrating strengthening of FOs and Gender issues.
·                     Knowledge in participatory approach, gender mainstreaming.
·                     Proven record in the field of project implementation of strengthening of FOs and Gender mainstreaming and.
·                     Good writing skills and computer literacy will be an advantage.
Job Title: Agricultural Production Officer
Location: Ebonyi
Specific duties

·                     Responsible for the coordination and supervision of the Component of the project, Support to small holder production at state level,
·                     Work in close collaboration with the Rural Institutions and Gender Mainstreaming officer at state level in periodic meetings held at SPMU and during joint and in periodic field visits.
·                     Provide guidance to NGOs/Service providers hired to implement the activities and oversee the overall process of selection of target FOs and beneficiaries in close -collaboration with the Rural Institutions and Gender Mainstreaming officer.
·                     Liaise with other relevant programmes and technical departments in the Public sector at state level ouch as ADP, the National Agricultural-Sued
·                     Council the National Root and Tuber Coop Research Institute, the National Cereals Research Institute
·                     Contribute to the Design of the overall distribution scheme of certified seeds/improved cassava cuttings, fertilizers and herbicides and equipment at state and LGA level.
·                     Supervise and coordinate the distribution of certified seeds/improved cassava cuttings, fertilizers and herbicides and equipment at state and LGA level including the delivery of good at LGA level.
·                     Supervise the service provider in charge of as implementing the activity. promotion and dissemination of sustainable agricultural practices through the FFS approach .
·                     Contribute to the drafting of periodic project progress reports at state level and.
·                     Contribute to the state annual work plan and budget.

·                     Masters or Higher level Sensitivity Degree in Agronomy, Horticulture and other relevant discipline.
·                     Minimum of 5 years post-qualification experience including at least 2 years in implementation of productivity enhancement project
·                     Knowledge in participatory approach, gender mainstreaming and Farmers Field School approach will be appreciated.
·                     Proven record in the field of project implementation of productivity projects and.
·                     Good writing skills and computer literacy will be an advantage.
Job Title: State Accountant
Location: Ebonyi
Specific Duties

·                     Ensuring the Programme’s financial procedures as detailed in the Programme implementation and Financial Manuals are strictly adhered to by all Programme staff and implementing partners at the state level.
·                     Facilitating the timely disbursement of Programme funds to the various accounting units mainly the service providers and farmer’s groups.
·                     Compiling SOEs for the PMU and other implementing partners for timely preparation of withdrawal applications.
·                     Ensuring adherence to international Financial Report System as well as Government of Nigeria financial practices and circulars as issued from time to time.
·                     Maintaining sound accounting system that ensures installation of good and complete chart of accounts and maintaining all relevant books of accounts that ensures complete recording and reporting of all financial and non-financial transactions of the Programme at the state level.
·                     Facilitating and ensuring that external auditors are availed all necessary documents and information during the audit as detailed in the Financial Agreement.
·                     Preparing financial reports and advising Programme Coordinator on the Programme’s financial status and trends.
·                     Supporting the Financial Controller in the installation and management of sound Integrated Financial Management information System (Computerized Accounting) for SPMU.
·                     Undertaking any other duties (related to Programme’s activities) as may be assigned by the Programme Coordinator.
Qualification and Experience

·                     First degree or Higher National Diploma in any numerate discipline.
·                     A higher degree will he an added advantage.
·                     Processional Qualification (ACA ANAN ACC A) with at least 5 years post qualification experience.
·                     A minimum of 3 years’ experience in management team of donor funded projects.
·                     Strong working knowledge of both national and international accounting procedures.
·                     Strong computer skills, spread-sheets, and other relevant accounting packages.
·                     Working knowledge of banking and financial control procedure.
Job Title: Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation (PME) and Knowledge Management (KM) Officer
Location: Ebonyi
Specific Duties

·                     Develop the Programme M&E System on the basis of the programme’s logical framework taking into account Government monitoring frameworks.
·                     Organize and supervise focused baseline surveys at the beginning of the programme to be undertaken by a contracted institution.
·                     Contribute to preparing an M&E Plan, including the programme’s monitoring formats.
·                     Establish indicators for outputs, outcomes and impact, monitor implementation processes and performance, and assess outputs and outcomes.
·                     Foster participatory planing and M&E by training and involving stakeholder groups.
·                     Oversee design of a field-based system for the programme monitoring that incorporates the logical framework approach;
·                     Prepare essential data to be included in quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports.
·                     Monitor financial and physical progress as well as reporting back to stakeholders to create a better learning environment; under take project and thematic evaluations.
·                     Integrate the M&E system, into the overall programme coordination and organization function and with other informaton and Knowledge systems.
·                     Ensure capture of intended impact as well as successes and failures; prepare report and guide staff in preparing their progress reports.
·                     Organize and oversee annual review and planning workshops and preparation of annual work plans n4 budgets.
·                     Inform and join supervision missions by screening and analyzing reports. Support advocacy efforts through providing evidence of impact gathered
·                     through the M&:E system, closely linked to knowledge management activities.
·                     Undertake any other duties that may be assigned to him/her by the State Programme Coordinator.
Qualification and Experience

·                     A higher-level degree in agricultural economics, rural development or other relevant field University-level studies in a field related to statistics or a related field would be an advantage.
·                     A minimum of 10 years experience working in M&E and/or project management in areas such as agriculture, marketing, rural finance and policy matters
·                     Proven experience in designing and implementing successful M&E Systems.
·                     Solid understanding of use of modern Information and Communication
·                     Technology (ICT) in development.
·                     Proficient in the use of databases and spread-sheets.
·                     Demonstrated skills in quantitative and qualitative analysis and data
·                     management.
·                     Proficient in the use of statistical and other software packages for both quantitative and qualitative analysis, experience in analysing complex programmes or policies.
·                     Experience in felicitation, in particular of learning processes Strong written, and oral communication skills in English
Job Title: State Agricultural Processing/Quality Enhancement Officer (APQE)
Location: Ebonyi
Job Description

·                     Overall, the APQE will be directly in charge of stare and local government level interventions in the area of promoting the use of improved arid more efficient value addition equipment and technologies for agro-processing. handling, storage and packaging.
·                     Specific Duties
·                     Coordinate the implementation and monitoring of state and local government level VCDP activities and actions in the provisions ol agro-processing and related equipment and technologies.
·                     Work with VC operators such as agro-processor organizations to arrange for the acquisition and sustained efficient management and use of new agro-processing and related equipment.
·                     Supervise the setting up and operation of demonstration of improved technologies and equipment and the provision of equipment for standard measures and weights.
·                     Work with the SBMDO to organize commodity fairs and other interactive events lot VC operators and the stare governments.
·                     Supervise the setting up and management of demonstration exercises and activities for the promotion of the use of improved agro-processing equipment and technologies.
·                     Supervise and coordinate the technical assistance in the areas of food processing system (incl, GAP, GMP and HACCP principles).
·                     Deal and interact with state and local government agencies in consultative and collaborative activities.
·                     Supervise the work of service providers in the area of value addition equipment and technologies and providing information about their performance.
·                     Source and use information from various sources for the implementation and coordination of activities arid measures for the promotion of value addition.
·                     Supervision state-level capacity building and technical assistance measures and activities in the areas of acquisition and use of value addition equipment and technologies.
·                     Participating in the formulation and implementation of the VCAP and supervision of activities under the value addition segment of the VCAP.
Qualification and Experience

·                     A minimum of Bachelor’s degree or Higher National Diploma in Agricultural/Food Engineering or Food Science and Technology Strong background in engineering and technological aspects of agro-processing and agricultural product handling (storage, preservation and packaging.
·                     Practical skills and at least 3 years work experience on matters relating to food and agricultural processing, agro-industrial development and MSME promotion.
·                     good negiation, inter-personal skills and communication abilities.

How to Apply
Each applicant should send his or her application together with their Curriculum Vitae (CV) electronically to: in addition to the submission of 10 (ten) hard copies of the application, CV and photocopies of educational qualifications in sealed envelop indicating the position applied for at the top left hand corner of the envelop to:

The Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources State Secretariat,
Opposite Unity Square,
Abakaliki, Ebonyi State.

Note: All late submission will be rejected

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Application Deadline 6th May 2014 

Disclaimer: Note that We make every effort to verify the authenticity of Our job posts, We're in no way affiliated to any of the companies whose vacancies We publish. However, We assure you that most of them (if not all) are authentic. Our advice for you is never to pay any amount of money to any recruiter.

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