Monday, 14 October 2013

Road named after Sir Alex Ferguson

Sir Alex Ferguson unveils the street sign
Sir Alex Ferguson has had a road named after him – and declared it is a “privilege”. The former Manchester United manager was on hand to unveil the new street sign for the road leading to the club’s Old Trafford stadium. The road, previously known as Water’s Reach, now goes by the name of Sir Alex Ferguson Way.

Manchester United’s website reported that before doing the honours, Sir Alex addressed the crowd and said: “It’s a privilege and an honour to have a road named after me. You don’t expect these things in life.
 “It encapsulates probably the last 26 years – coming to the great club, the history of it. It's been an incredible journey for me, ending today for me to unveil this road sign: Sir Alex Ferguson Way."
“I'm really proud of that and I'm proud of everyone who has been associated with the club.
Sir Alex, 71 also received the honourary freedom of the Borough of Trafford at a formal ceremony at the council chambers.

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