Sometimes things happen in life that cause a good deal of
stress to the body. It doesn't necessarily have to be a bad or traumatic event
for someone to be nervous or anxious.
An example of this would be giving a
speech in front of a large audience. That is not a traumatic event, rather it
is something positive, but it can still wreak havoc on your nerves if you have
anxiety about speaking in front of people. Whatever the situation is, here are
a few things you can try to help calm down your nerves and stay calmer.
yourself busy and your mind occupied. When someone who is nervous about
something has too much time on their hands, sometimes they use that time to
overthink and create even more anxiety for themselves. You could use that free
time to do something that will get your mind off of the thing that is making
you nervous or stressed out. Do some garden work, play a sport, call your
friends or family, etc. Just do something, instead of thinking about how
nervous you are.
Move around. Dance, sing, listen to music. Music will help distract you from
those nervous thoughts. Exercise or dance will help to relieve some of your
stress and improve your mood so that you will feel better and be able to get a
better handle on your nerves.
is a good way to calm your nerves. You could first start out by exercising,
then do some kind of relaxation techniques. Do some deep breathing exercises,
meditate, listen to peaceful music. Close your eyes and visualize yourself
being a peaceful, calm place. Do you like the beach? Picture in your mind that
you are surrounded by sand and watching a beautiful sunset overlooking the
ocean. Picture that your mind is at peace and ease while you are taking in the
peaceful scenery.
Take a
warm bath or shower. I know that when I feel stressed or nervous, a really warm
shower will help to drown some of my worries away. The warm temperature
combined with the water is just so relaxing. Water seems to have a calming
affect. The sound of trickling water seems to help me feel more calm. I often
think of my worries going down the drown with the water when I am in the
shower. Then my mind is a little clearer and I can focus better.
Talk to
people. Do you have any friends or family that you can call? Explain to them
that you are nervous about something, if you wish to tell them. They may be
able to offer some help to calm down. I have a friend who just has a way of
calming me down when I am stressed. She says just the right things to help me
stay focused and less stressed. Even if you don't want to talk about your
nervousness, you can just call and talk to someone about anything. It will
distract your mind.
Spend some time laughing. Laughing can relieve stress in the body. It can also
help to improve your mood. Look at funny things on television, watch a funny
movie, a stand up comedian, call a funny friend, read the comics, look online
for some funny jokes, etc. Look for anything that will get you to have a good
belly laugh. This may calm down your nerves and make you feel better for
water. I know that when I drink enough water throughout the day, I feel less
anxious and nervous. When my body is dehydrated, I notice that I have more
anxiety from stress. I suggest you keep your body hydrated with water. Do not
drink anything with caffeine. Caffeine might just make your nerves or anxiety
Ask for a
massage. A good soothing massage might help to calm you down and help you to be
less nervous. I've even massaged and rubbed my own shoulders a few times when
no one was around to do it for me and I noticed that my nerves calmed down
quite a bit.
down the things you are nervous about. See if you can justify with yourself if
there is even a reason to be nervous. Sometimes writing things down, helps you
to get it off your chest. Writing can be theraputic. You could even write about
something else to keep your mind busy and flowing with creative things instead
of nervous thoughts. Buy yourself a journal and whenever you are nervous try
writing a poem, a short story or even write a list of your favorite things,
such as your favorite movies, songs, games, food, etc.
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