Thursday 13 September 2012


After my very stressful trip in Abuja, I returned to work on Monday to clear up my desk that i had left for over a week but my stomach needed food. As i munched on the very delicious beans and plantain prepared by our local restaurant the first bite on the meat gave me a sharp painful sensation. I was terrified, one of my front tooth i earlier did a root canal on had broken in two. The sight of it was terrifying. The only though that came into my mind was; why did i not put a cap on the tooth.

As I proceeded to the dentist all I could think of was the possibility of getting my tooth fixed, so that I don't end up looking weird. Sitting at the reception made me so nervous. I hate visiting the Dentist, their small but very painful tools make me so angry but my worry was deflated my a 5 years old Pakistan child. His smile and smart active disposition was overwhelming. He kept running up and down the hall and played with some toys, but he was totally charming. He walked up to me and boldly told me 'My name is Ash and that is my mummy. I was totally stunned by his boldness. I asked him why he was not in school but he shock his head then I asked him where he was from he simply shouted Pakistan.

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