Monday, 17 June 2013


Eviction: Goodbye Angola
Yesterday Angola made history in Big Brother when Shy Biguesas and Neyll became the third pair to be evicted from the Chase. First to receive the news of his fate in the House was Biguesas who took it all in his stride as he smiled and had nothing but love for his fellow Housemates as he made his grand exit from the Diamond House.

Only a few minutes after learning that he had his head thrown under the Eviction guillotine by HoH 
Selly in order to save Oneal; Neyll then got word from Live Show presenter IK that his journey on The Chase had come to an end. The news of Neyll’s exit was met with shock from the fellow Housemates and the tears flowed in both Houses. Clearly the quiet gentleman had a lasting impression on his fellow Housemates in both Houses.

Goodbye Biguesas and Neyll. Good luck to you both in all of your future endeavours.

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