Tuesday 13 August 2013

The Top 5 Traits I Want in a Man

By: Ada

After reading this article you can either sue me or just say am simply crazy but the truth is; “I love my men when they are tall, dark and handsome”.

I am a tall girl and I cannot stand having a man who is way shorter than I am, it honestly embarrasses me. I can remember one of the guys I dated while I was in the University, he was so cute and very comfortable by every standard but the guy was short.

When we first started dating, I enjoyed the fact that he was cute and he was amazing in bed but I was never keen on going out to any public function with him.

In all honesty, I even denied him on several occasions when someone asked if I was dating him. Poor Uche, please forgive me and don’t hold it against me, I just wish you were taller.

I then met IK my sweet darling, he was so slender; I thought he was going to break each time he stood beside me. He was just too nice to a fault. He was tall and dark but I preferred having him as a friend. We still talk on the phone and I still tease him to gain some weight. I really wish he knows why I refused dating him.

Emeka to me has got game; he is tall, dark, handsome, well educated, lovely style and above all has the fear of God. These are the top 5 Physical Attributes I always look out for in a man.

1. Sense of Style

The way a man dresses reflects on the woman, and she knows it. The man who knows how to match a patterned shirt and tie will notice when she's dressed well, too. Keep your tailor and your dry cleaner busy, and spring for posh, touchable fabrics like cashmere, suede, pima cotton, and brushed corduroy.

2. Handsome Face

The science of attraction, which has been studied ad infinitum, says it's all about symmetry. Are your features similar in form and arrangement on both sides of the line? Do your eyes and ears match up? The closer one side mirrors the other, the more attractive you are. I rank men with broad chins, high cheekbones, and large eyes as the most attractive. Best way to improve your looks: Smile more, and make certain your sideburns are even.

3. Height

Tall, dark, and handsome isn't the be-all and end-all. I like feeling smaller than my men, but height doesn't necessarily mean might. I will feel comfortable with that.

4. Muscular Build 

Spend more time with the bathroom mirror and less time with the gym mirror. I value a clean-shaven face over the clean and jerk. Muscles help ward off rivals but your overall appearance is more important than the size of your biceps.

5. Fitness

I recognize a good body as indicative of a man of discipline and self-control. It tells a woman you can keep up with her, in bed and out.

Above all the fact stated above, the God factor in him will always be a determining factor in choosing the man I will spend the rest of my life with.

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