For years, women have often declared they can either orgasm
through sex or foreplay. But new research suggests we may all have been wrong. For
there is no such thing as a vaginal orgasm, a clitoral orgasm or even a G-spot,
new research claims. Instead, the umbrella term 'female orgasm' should be
used, the study authors argue. They maintain
that like 'male orgasm', 'female orgasm' is the correct term.
Historically, it was believed that women could orgasm through
penetrative sex, and that G-spot, vaginal or clitoral orgasms were all
different types of orgasm. But writing in the journal Clinical Anatomy, the
authors say the majority of women worldwide do not have orgasms during
penetrative sex.
As a result, women have been labelled with sexual problems that
are based on something that doesn’t exist: the vaginal orgasm.
The clitoris is the key to all female orgasms, the review found. The clitoris,
is the human female’s most erogenous zone, often called the ‘female penis’
because it is made from the same material as the male penis. It is possible for
all women to orgasm if the female erectile organs are effectively stimulated,
the researchers added. The female erectile organs include the clitoris, the
vestibular bulbs – also known as the clitoral bulbs – which are found on either
side of the opening of the vagina and the pars intermedia, a thin band that
joins the two vestibular bulbs.
Other erectile organs include the labia minora – known as the inner lips of the vagina - and the corpus spongiosum of the female urethra – the mass of spongy tissue surrounding the urethra, the tube that connects the bladder to an external opening just above the opening of the vagina. The review's co author, Dr Vincenzo Puppo, who calls himself a sexologist, said: 'Male ejaculation does not automatically mean the end of sex for women.
'Touching and kissing can be continued almost indefinitely, and
noncoital sexual acts after male ejaculation can be used to produce orgasm in
women.' All women can orgasm if female erectile tissue including the clitoris
is stimulated, experts said
The review, published in the journal Clinical Anatomy, comes after
a U.S. study published earlier this year found that the size of a woman’s
clitoris can impact their ability to have an orgasm.
In women who have orgasm problems, the clitoris is smaller and
located farther from the vagina, the study found.
The researchers said their findings could lead to new treatments
for women suffering from anorgasmia, who are unable to have orgasms. Researchers
used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to scan the pelvic area of 30 women who
were on average 32 years old. Ten of the women had reported rarely or never
achieving orgasms despite trying, while the rest had a normal experience during
The women who had problems achieving orgasm tended to have smaller
clitoris' located further away from the vagina.
Researchers said that although orgasm is complex, the size and
location of the clitoris may be paramount.
The clitoral complex, which has a shape of a boomerang, extends
under the skin and includes parts that are known as the body, crura, bulb and
root. It is possible that a smaller distance between these structures and the
vagina makes it easier for the clitoris to be stimulated during intercourse.
The study was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in
February this year.
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