Monday, 28 October 2013

17-Year Old Girl Commits Suicide After Parents Ban Her From Facebook

No Wi-Fi In Heaven Though: 17-Year Old Girl Commits Suicide After Parents Ban Her From Facebook
Police in India have said that a 17-year old girl committed suicide after her parents banned her from Facebook so she could read her books more. Aishwarya S. Dahiwal, a college student from Parbhani in western India, asked her parents for permission to log onto Facebook on Wednesday, but was denied, police told India Real Time. She then got into an argument with her mother and father, who said she was paying too much attention to social media and not enough to her studies, a police officer added.

Authorities say Dahiwal was found hanging in her room the next morning and left a note that said her parents’ decision to ban her from Facebook led to her death.
“We still can’t believe it. We are in deep shock,” her father, Sunil, told India Real Time. “We just wanted her to focus on her studies. We never thought she would ever take such a harsh step.”
An investigation into the death is ongoing.

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