Friday 3 May 2013

Career mistakes that 20-somethings make

Dearest 20-somethings, we have seen the job market and we know it to be brutal.
But that doesn’t mean one can simply ignore that our first work experiences have a lasting impact on the future. Dr. Meg Jay, author of “The Defining Decade” — a book about how to make the most out of your 20s — even estimates that as much as two-thirds of wage growth happens during the first 10 years of someone’s career.
Considering that, it appears millennials could use some help with knowing what not to do as they start their careers. So without further ado, here are some very typical professional mistakes to avoid making in the early going:
You Think You Can’t Make Money While Pursuing Your Passion
Twenty-somethings often think that their career is an either-or choice between fulfilling a passion or earning a lot of money, Dr. Meg Jay, a clinical psychologist who specializes in 20-somethings, told The Huffington Post. But 20-somethings should be looking for a career that can fulfill their passion while meeting financial needs. It’s possible.

You Stay On A Path You Know Is Not Right For Too Long
Twenty-somethings should be building a career that they want for the long haul, said Alexis Grant, an entrepreneurial writer and digital strategist. “If you realize you are not doing the right thing, figure out how to get on the right road as soon as possible. Don’t worry so much about lost time or lost investments,” she said.
You Think ‘I’ll Really Start My Career At 30′
Young professionals often think that the jobs they have in their 20s “don’t matter,” Dr. Jay said. But employees in their 20s should be in jobs that are helping them build “identity capital,” so they can figure out where they want to be at the next stage of their career.
You Compare Yourself To Your Peers
In school, students find themselves doing roughly the same things as their peers, which makes it easy to compare their accomplishments to others. But after college, comparisons are “just too complex to be useful,” Dr. Jay explains. People also tend to only compare themselves to those who seem to be doing better than they are, which can lead to feelings of depression, she added.
You Act Entitled
Twenty-somethings who had over-involved parents can sometimes think that they deserve an easy ride at work, Dani Ticktin Koplik, an executive and performance coach, told Forbes. This can have a devastating effect on their career, not to mention their relationships with superiors.
You Aren’t Mindful Of Social Media Use
Twelve percent of hiring managers said it’s a mistake for millennial job candidates to discuss a job interview on personal social media sites, according to a recent survey by Adecco, a human resources consulting company. Not being professional on social media can cost people their jobs as well.
You Are Not Building Something For Yourself, Just Your Employer
In today’s working world, 20-somethings really need to be thinking about what they can walk away with when they inevitably switch employers, Grant said. “Throw yourself into your day job, but also build something for you because you will likely not be in your job forever,” she said. Grant suggested writing a blog or working on obtaining a Twitter following.
You Worry Too Much About Current Work-Life Balance
Young professionals will sometimes think that they are working too hard now and that it will be like that for the rest of their career, Dr. Jay said. What young professionals should really be thinking about is if they are in a job that will provide them with work-life balance in the future when they will be thinking about starting a family and other life decisions.
Read this article at Huffington Post

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